Simple Resilience

The Goal: To explore the concept of resilience and how you can bring this into your everyday life.

Short SEL

Indigo Indicators: Internal: Resiliency, Managing Stress, Self-Direction
CASEL Competencies: Self-Management
Ramp Behavior Standard: B-SMS 7 Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem


  • Notebook paper
  • Something to write with

Resilience doesn’t always mean jumping back from a traumatic event. Resilience shows up in even the simplest ways. Falling off a bike and getting back on, completing assignments for classes that you struggle in, and laughing after a tough day are all moments of resilience.

Step 1: Write down a time in which you displayed a simple form of resilience.

Step 2: Think intently about this moment. How did this moment feel? Did you realize you were exhibiting resiliency?

Step 3: What are three ways you can replicate this moment the next time you feel stressed out? Write down your answers.

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