
The Goal: Create your own unique organization system that is uniquely tailored to you, which will organize your time, priorities, and workload into the perfect planning system.


Step 1: Create a planning system that works for you. For example, you can use existing phone apps, Post-It notes color coded for priority, or you could do a diary-style planner that includes every single task that you must complete. You could also do a simple day-by-day to do list organized by priority from top to bottom. Whatever it is, it must be the way you want to organize it.

Note: It may be helpful to find other students who share your top DISC scores so that you can bounce ideas off of each other as you are working individually. Because you are similar DISC styles working together, you will tend to think and act in a similar way so you can benefit from hearing each other’s ideas as you work on your own planning system.

Step 2: Show a teacher or mentor your organization system and get their feedback. Also, consider ways you can integrate your plan into everyday life.

Note: If you are having a hard time coming up with an idea for creating you planning system, try creating a planning system to organize and plan just your homework or tasks for that given week. By making it more tangible, you will have something to work off of.

Remember that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to do this – you want to find a system that works for you.

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